Atypical & Awesome, “Sweet Tea and Saturday”

Yesterday was a great day. After putting in a few hours worth of grad school work bright and early, Phillip, Michael, and I headed to the First Sweet Tea Festival in Enterprise. We played games ( I won a McNugget meal-woohoo) and we sipped plenty of sweet tea! We even bought a sweet tea cookie from Hello Chonky! We listened to Kira Howell who we’ve watched on stage a few times in recent years. She’s going places- keep your eye on her! I also got to catch up with my friend Shelia so it was a “sweet” time.

Phillip and I got sucked into watching an Adam Sandler marathon and vegged out for the rest of the day. We ate good food and just enjoyed the AC. We’ve decided we are too old to handle the heat- the little bit of time we spent outside at the Sweet Tea Festival wore us slap out! Lol.

We made some more comedy plans and Phillip is gonna try out the Purple Parrot in Orange Beach this week. On the 30th, we have our show at Happy Times in Ozark so we’re looking forward to it and writing some new material. Come see us if you can!

The poetry event at Mural City Coffee has been postponed so stay tuned for updated info on that soon.

Well, I’ve got to hit the books. I’m up early to finish some grad school work. As always, thank you for your support!


Atypical & Awesome “Laugh when you Feel Like Crying”


Atypical & Awesome, “The Social & More”