Atypical & Awesome “Sweet Summertime”
Yesterday, was a good day. I was able to see the movie “Elemental” which was really cute. I hadn’t been to the movies in a while so that was a little treat. Then, Phillip and I had a very late date night and went to the 10 pm Kevin Hart performance in Dothan. We were treated to an upgrade and ended up with floor seats which was a nice bonus. We had a blast and Phillip laughed until his sides hurt so mission accomplished.
Alex is in town this weekend as are my niece and nephew. Hoping to get lots of hugs and catch up with everyone. I do have my practicum later today so I have a full day ahead.
Yesterday was also Sapphire’s sixth birthday so we celebrated with new candles. She LOVES when I light candles lol. In case you are new to us and our story, Sapphire is our shifty Siamese rescue kitty 💙💙💙
Lots of good stuff going on- hope you all are enjoying these sweet summertime days. Happy Father’s Day weekend!