Atypical & Awesome- “Almost”
Almost stings. Seems like life is full of almost. I almost had a successful marriage but it ended after thirteen years. I almost had a big single in Europe (as a writer) but the record company pushed another cut (that has actually happened multiple times). I almost had that undeniably great project but it was never promoted. I almost won but ended up 2nd place- time and time again. I hate the word almost. Until, we change the perspective. I almost died (more than once)- but didn’t. I almost gave up on love but then I met my husband (we’ve been together 6 beautiful years). I almost quit graduate school but went on to get my Master’s and have been a therapist for 8 years. I almost gave completely up. But I am still here. So, replace almost with “yet”and see what happens. I haven’t had that big break- yet. I haven’t found that pot of gold, yet. But I am close- I can almost taste it.