Atypical & Awesome- “Date Night”

Yesterday was a really hard day at the day gig. I mean- stress fest 2020. I needed an outlet. The two older kids are at college and the two younger kids were gone for the weekend. And… Get this-Phillip had Friday and Saturday off!!! That rarely happens. I put on a pretty top and a fancy barette and we went out for a lovely dinner. We were done relatively early and I was still itching to do something. I talked him into going to a local improv show. Oh, how improv is on my bucket list. We enjoyed the show and made notes of what we would like to do in our own performances. I am pretty quick witted and working with teenagers for so many years has made me a queen of come-backs, per se. So, don’t be surprised if you see Phillip and I acting a-fool on stage on day soon- i mean we already do- why not add a spotlight to it. The couple that plays together stays together- and if they don’t that’s more fodder for material lol!


Atypical & Awesome- “Brand New Songs- Hot n Ready”


Atypical & Awesome “A lil Sneak Peek”