Atypical & Awesome “Happy Birthday”

Today is Phillip’s birthday and for the first time in our relationship, we aren’t together celebrating. He is out of town this week so we will celebrate this weekend as we say adieu to 22 and greet 23. December alone has been a weird month. In addition to the “typical” craziness of Christmas, we made a trip to Nashville, picked up Autumn from New York, went to a wedding, went to a funeral, Phillip made a day trip to see Quinn, we did the Alice in Wonderland CluedUpp Adventure, i did a couple of open-mics including comedy and music, and I had finals in my grad classes and ended the term maintaining a 4.0. I also had a few cowrites and publisher cuts hit the airwaves this month including a few more performed live locally, in Nashville, and Canada. It’s been a month! So, I am longing to hibernate but I don’t think that will happen. Yet, I am missing my birthday boy and look forward to a long winter’s nap soon, Meet me for cake this weekend- we have a lot to celebrate.

Wanna help us celebrate? Contribute to our cake and coffee fund here:


Atypical & Awesome “Adieu, 22”


Atypical & Awesome “Linger”