Atypical & Awesome “Candles, Coffee, and Lil Debbie”

Life is a tough gig. The little things are the big things and ultimately we all have to figure out what makes us tick and what brings us peace. Last week, was one of the toughest “work” weeks I’ve had in years. I also had an incident Sunday night which resulted in a doozy of a headache. Thankfully, I am on the mend but I am grateful for learning positive coping. It really did help get me through this week.

First, I have very clear boundaries between what and who I allow near me. Some might consider it being stand-offish or “closed” but I consider it both a skill and gift- discernment- seeing things for what they are. It also is a form of protection so I am grateful.

Second, I take care of myself. I know what I need to be functional so I have my survival supplies at the ready. I’ve lived with a chronic illness for over twenty years so I know my body very well.

Third, I comfort myself with the things I love- good food, candles, Sapphire, a fuzzy blanket, warm socks, cute things that make me smile. Yesterday, it was a sweet centerpiece of fall decor and Lil Debbie snack cakes. I really am a simple girl.

I am currently drinking coffee in bed and getting ready for the day. We have a lot of events coming up so stay tuned. Four comedy shows on the books for Oct. and I was named host of Comedy Night at Happy times in Ozark on Oct. 25! Check out my events page!

Yall have a wonderful day and take care of yourself!


Atypical & Awesome “That’s a Big 10-4”


Atypical & Awesome “It’s Been A Week”