Atypical & Awesome “Tired and True”

Whew! There are few things more exhausting than waiting at a doctor’s office. I had my six month follow-up cardiologist appointment this afternoon and I am worn out. I worked right until I had to leave for the appointment so I had a full day. I’ve also had a lot of music things going on over the past day or two. Yesterday, I booked a consult session with a new local musician to go over some business questions he has- if you’d like to book a consult session- message me. I spoke with a cowriter currently in Alaska who is planning to perform a song we cowrote in a Christian songwriters competition with a shot at a record deal as the prize. Last night, I made a worktape of a song a new cowriter started back in the 70’s and I added a melody to which was a cool, new experience for me. And this morning, one of my favorite Canadian cowriters reached out to me with a song idea:) I really don’t mind being tired because it means I’m busy and doing what I love. Plus, it’s Taco Tuesday! I may take a nap but there are songs to write so I’ll be at it again tonight, I’m sure!


Atypical & Awesome “Choices and Movement”


Atypical & Awesome “Making the Rounds”