Blue Plate Blog Episode 4

Blue Plate Blog Episode 4 (05/04/20)

Entrée: May 4th- Today would have been my grandmother’s birthday. I never knew my mother’s parents as her mother passed away far before I was born and I only saw her father once or twice that I remember before he also passed away. But I was very close to my father’s parents. My grandmother, Hazel. She was an original. She has been gone for years, probably 18 years or so, but I can remember her voice and nature like it was yesterday. She never met a stranger and had a hug and kiss for all of us grandkids when she would come visit or we would go to her house. She was “curious” and would often sit on her front porch with a pair of binoculars to check out the happenings of her neighborhood. The high school band practiced in the stadium field which was right across from her house and I am sure they had many questions about the little old lady on the porch watching them with binoculars. Then, there was the cooking. You know, there is just no food like “grandmother food” and to this day I think of her when I have field peas, or room temperature fried chicken, or pound cake. It took me years to figure out the secret to her pound cake but I finally did- and I am not telling! If you are lucky enough to still have your grandmother, give her a call- I sure miss mine! Happy Birthday, Grandmother!

First side: It’s Star Wars Day- May the Fourth be with you! Stars Wars. I have never been a fan. I don’t dislike the franchise and it certainly appeals to the masses but other than the really cool John Williams score, I’m just not smitten. But playing with light sabers can be cool and if it makes so many people happy, I really can’t complain. I just always felt confused by the appeal but I am a little different anyway, so no surprises here. 

Second side: I hear rumblings that life is returning to our new normal- possibly, sooner than expected. My greatest fear (other than those I love DYING) is crisis fatigue. If the sky is constantly falling, how will we react and prepare when it really IS falling? We have been in a state of “perceived panic” since 9/11. True story. Are risks real? Absolutely. But how on earth can people fully decipher and use good judgment when EVERYTHING is AWFUL all the time and the end of time is NOW. DAILY. Not to mention the menta heath issues which result from chronic acute stress. But that is another blog. 

Dessert: I am considering doing a video blog concerning some general mental health tips amidst these stressful times. One of these will be on how to create a nurture box. Self-care is more important than ever. Do something today that you love and if you are feeling down do something for someone else- it is a guaranteed mood booster. Btw- you are pretty cool. 

Until next time- order’s up!




My Grandmother Hazel and her prize cactus!

My Grandmother Hazel and her prize cactus!


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