Atypical & Awesome “Whirlwind”
The past 24 hours gave been a literal whirlwind. Tropical Storm Fred moved through the area last night and wrecked havoc. At the very time Fred was down here, a song I cowrote was being performed at the Bluebird Cafe in Nashville. Total and complete thrill for me as a writer. Thank you to my cowriter, Alice Nelson for sharing it duting her set at “the bird”. Alice is doing great things in Nashville this week and so many exciting things are happening. “Girlfriend” releases to radio and all streaming platforms September 10- please support us by calling your local radio stations and requesting it as well as streaming the heck out it! Here on the homefront, we had tacos and s’mores tonight and I wrote 2 new lyrics and foreardrd them to my cowriters. I am going to sleep with a very happy heart tonihht!