Atypical & Awesome “Vacation-ish”
I am day 7 into an 11 day break from the day gig. My husband I are currently in Destin with his brothers and sisters, Hurricane Zeta is lurking and projected to bring some nasty stuff in later today. But for now, things are relatively calm. Although this is a break, I am writing and pitching songs lol. I have three cowrites currently going on and pitched six songs earlier in the week. Nope, it never stops. If you are an artist desiring to cowrite with me- great! Let’s set up a time. However, please understand cowriting protocol before going into a write with me or anyone, to be honest. Just because another writer has not called you out about a bad behavior does not mean it’s acceptable. A good way to burn bridges in the song-writing community is to do something uncouth- do not be that writer. Show up on time, be professional, and communicate throughout the process from hook pitching to recording and releasing- communication is key. I have been writing fourteen years and most of my cowriters are highly professional. Unfortunately, some are not- I will chalk it up to inexperience for these folks. It goes back to communication- if you are not sure- ask. Most of the world’s problems could be avoided with just simple communication. See, the therapist in me is coming out. I’m supposed to be on vacation- lol Back to the beach!