Atypical & Awesome- “I Am Emotionally Attached to My Sandwich”

It’s lunchtime. A little late today because I had an intake at work. But I have a leftover pizza sub. And it is spicey and warm and good. It is making me emotional, though. It reminds me of a sandwich my sister bought me years ago. I went and stayed with her a few days shortly after I broke off an engagement and cancelled an already paid for wedding. I was 20 years old with a sad heart and a really good pizza sub on a couch in a trailer in small town Alabama. My sister had ordered these great pizza subs and I honestly will never forgot them. A sister’s love and warm pepperoni on cheesy bread go a long way to heal a broken heart. I think about that sandwich a lot. Today, I have such melancholy about that time in my life. What in the world was I thinking? I came through, though and would go on to survive many more broken hearts. But that time in my sister’s trailer will always be super special. She went with me to look at colleges and a few short months later, I moved across the state to finish my undergraduate degree at The University of Alabama. My sister was there every step of the way. But it all really started with a sandwich- one I’ll never forget.


Atypical & Awesome “God Winks and Barbeque Sauce”


BPB is now Atypical & Awesome