Atypical & Awesome “God Winks and Barbeque Sauce”
What are the chances? I heated up my leftovers for lunch- rotisserie chicken and mac n cheese. I was starving. But, the chicken needed something…. I looked in my desk drawer for “something”- no luck. In a pumpkin shaped basket on an end table, I found a pack of ketchup. Eh, I haven’t eaten ketchup on chicken since elementary school so… nah. Wait- what is that? Huh? A package of babeque sauce? What in the world? Praise glory! It may seem like a little thing but me having barbeque sauce in this particular moment was almost other-worldly. How bizarre. And wonderful. All day, every day- God meets my needs. What comfort I have in these God winks. Now you may call them something else- perhaps, good joo joo, positive vibes, or even karma. But my lunch today was great-thank “you”.