Atypical & Awesome “Those Creative Juices”

Music-wise it’s been another busy week or so. Jessica Lavallee’s single, “Small Town Girl” is up to almost 5,000 streams on Spotify and gathering a lot of attention on multiple internet radio stations and a few FM Stations in Canada so that is exciting. I’m so thrilled to have been a part of such a special song and I love watching Jessica get some well-deserved attention. She is amazingly talented and incredibly sweet. She’s one of my favorite gals to write with :)

Speaking of gals I write with, have had a few cowrites lately with my girl Kristan Mikayla. She’s working on some new material guaranteed to knock your socks off. Same for Miss Alice Nelson. Stopped in to catch some of her show Friday night and as usual, she did a stellar job. We have a cut coming out soon which is a cowrite for another artist so stay tuned. Plus, Alice always has stuff brewing so make sure to check out her social media for updates.

I also stopped in to check out another of my cowriters, Joseph Rushing at the Play the Cafe at Mural City Coffee last week. Also finally got to meet Ms. Teresa Wright. It was an evening of great, original music which John Shaw has been organizing for the past few years.
This Sunday, I will be hosting the monthly in-person meeting of South Alabama Songwriters at Hoobler Music in Enterprise at 1:30 pm. All local songwriters are welcome! Also, Friday night is Open-Mic at Hoobler so stop by- I will probably share a song or reo.

Finally, I have ANOTHER creative outlet in the works which I will be telling you about very soon! Here’s a hint- it involves songs and talking- two of my favorite things :)

Stay tuned- there’s always more. :)


Atypical & Awesome “Coffee and Doughnuts”


Atypical & Awesome “Easter Weekend”