Atypical & Awesome “Mama’s Happy Heart”

I am a praying mama. I truly feel this is the most powerful gift. I have faith and I pray for our kids ceaselessly. Life has been HARD. Somehow, with the help and support of our “village” (led by Phillip and my parents) Autumn and Alex both have degrees from The University of Alabama. Thanks to the pandemic, their college experience was not normal nor seamless. But they made it. We made it. Autumn has a fabulous job in New York and Alex is actively looking for their first professional job. Can’t wait to see the opportunities which await for Alex.
Alex has dealt with incredible challenges and we have walked through fire together. This weekend has been one filled with support from the whole family. That is the biggest blessing for which anyone could ask. Love. Acceptance. Support. This mama’s heart is happy.

Oh, and Autumn is home! Tonight, our home will be filled to the brim with our kids. We’re just missing Sarah and Quinn but we plan to see them soon! I truly don’t need nor want anything else…a house filled with love and prayer- messy, loud at times, but ours. Happy Mother’s Day to all you tough mama’s out there!


Atypical & Awesome “A Whole Lot of Living Going On”


Atypical & Awesome “Victories”