Brand New Blog- 30 Days of Peace- Day 1
It is June 1, 2020. The world is in chaos. Our country is in complete chaos. We are in the midst of a global pandemic, police brutality, civil unrest, and rampant anger and hate seem to have consumed our society. You can turn on the tv or phone and see play by play accounts of what is going on currently in our world. I will never minimize the severity of the world’s problems. However, I for one need to detach at times and get grounded. To return to a place of inner peace. The next 30 days Blue Plate Blog will change gears in an effort to shed a little light and to share tips on how you can remain calm while living in the center or a hurricane. Feel free to share your own ways of getting to that place of inner serenity. Absolutely no politics, hot topics, or negativity. There are countless of places to share that and it is important to have dialogue about the social issues which are in the forefront of our minds. But this blog is to be a place of quiet calm and acceptance. Starting tomorrow, I will share with you specific tips for managing stress and finding peace. Today, let’s just remember those simple yet profound words- let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. Turn off the tv, go take a walk, and breathe some fresh air. See you tomorrow. Peace, my dear ones.