Blue Plate Blog Episode 22 “Creativity, Work Ethic, and Homemade Soap”
Entree: The flow is flowing today. One thing I can say is daily blogging has helped my overall writing tremendously. Several times this week I have had creative “floods” where I have had several hooks and even full lyrics flow out- especially, in the morning times. There are several things I am currently doing which I feel contribute to this right now which I will share with you today and in future editions of BPB. Essentially, writing brings forth more writing and structured writing (ie scheduled writing) helps organize my thoughts which then helps my creativity find effective outlets. To quote Martha Stewart, “it’s a good thing.”
First side: I read a great article about Diane Warren, yesterday. Chances are if you have a favorite power ballad from the past twenty-five years- she wrote it. She reportedly spends sixteen hour days in her studio six days a week. Hats off to her, she obviously has what it takes and is not afraid of hard work. I like to think I have a pretty strong work ethic but she has me beat- by a landslide and the gold records to prove it.
Second side: I have so many amazingly creative friends- musicians, songwriters, authors, poets, artists, soap makers, chefs, drink sculptors, gardeners- so much beauty and life from those who create. I thank you for sharing your gifts with me and allowing me to share mine with you.
Dessert: My daughter has caught the cooking bug and has been creating things in the kitchen all week. We love our kitchen therapy time! Wherever you are this weekend soak up the beauty of world and eat something that is truly indulgent. Until next time- order’s up!