Blue Plate Blog Episode 21 “Closed Chapters, Cher, and Salads”

Entree: Have you ever looked back on a part of your life and have been genuinely proud it is a closed chapter? I do. I shudder when I think of some of my previous life choices- be in relationships, jobs, hairstyles, or just interactions with others. Thank God for growth and thank God for change. Sometimes, I just have to file things in my “what was I thinking file” and move on.

First side: Sometimes life is like leftover microwaved pizza. A few good elements here and there but a little hard to chew. It is what it is- it’s better than starving, I guess!

Second side: Yesterday was Cher’s birthday. I adore her and have always felt a connection with her. Maybe it’s the “dark lady” undercurrent, maybe it’s the gypsy-esque persona, maybe it’s the fishnets… whatever it is, I get it.

Dessert: I brought a pretty salad for lunch today. A pretty salad excites me. Have a fabulous Thursday. Until tomorrow- order’s up!


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