Atypical & Awesome “Life’s Menagerie “
I am laying in bed gingerly sipping the day’s first cup of coffee thanks to a fresh bout of dental pain and stomach issues. OW! Getting older is not for the faint of heart. Something new seems to “break” every day.
I’m also saddened by the passing of Naomi Judd. I am especially saddened to hear of her significant struggles with mental illness. She may have ultimately surrendered but she fought for a long time. Every day you wake up and fight is a victory although it doesn’t feel that way. I am sending prayers and thoughts to her family during this overwhelming and devastating time.
Life is a strange gig. There is sadness and joy and hope and confusion all mixed together at any given moment. I physically do not feel well but my heart is happy and content. Our family has had a great weekend. Michael had three pieces on display at an art festival, Autumn explored SoHo and Chinatown up in NY, and Alex picked up their cap and gown for next week’s college graduation! Phillip and I enjoyed two festivals, yesterday and got to see the legendary southern rock group, The Marshall Tucker Band. We also got to spend a few minutes with my parents, two of my sisters, one of my cousins, and said, “ hi”to a few friends we had not seen in a while. We cane home, ate chili dogs, and drifted off in our respective recliners by 9:30 pm- it was a good day. I’ll be singing in church with the choir this morning and then I have a cowrite this afternoon. Happy May Day!