Atypical & Awesome “Birthdays”
It has been another week of celebrating with my birthday having been this past Monday and my Mother’s B-Day being today. I did not get to see my mother today but I spoke to her twice on the phone. Phillip treated me and 3 of our kids to dinner for my birthday Monday evening. I ordered an entire rack of ribs (something I have never done) and am still working on them and will probably have them for lunch tomorrow. Also, tomorrow I get my COVID vaccine- I am very ready. Let’s stay safe and protect those around us! I have also been writing a lot as always . Of course, I can’t forget one of the reasons my birthday was unforgettable- Roll Tide Roll!!!!! Oh my, what a game full of historical moments! National Champs and a team of great players and even better people- our whole family was and is ecstatic- and the Heisman also found it’s way to T-town- what a year! Speaking of T-town, Autumn and Conner are back at school- the house is certainly emptier but I know they are glad to get back in the groove. Thanks for stopping in- if you are the praying type, please keep me in your prayers as I have some big decisions to make. Thank you, dear ones!