Blue Plate Blog Episode 6- Chicken Soup

Entrée: Chicken noodle soup. I am sniffling today and south Alabama springtime allergens are in full throttle. I live and work in the middle of the woods so there is stuff floating in the air constantly. Today’s lunch- good ol Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup with plenty of saltine crackers. I put the can in the trash and immediately had a tinge of guilt. Why? When I was in elementary school, we would save soup labels and turn them in on Friday. 25 labels earned you a free bag of popcorn at recess and I thought it was the most amazing thing ever. I hit up every person I knew for a soup label and none of our cans had labels by the end of my pursuits! One particular Friday, there was a twist. Two plastic eggs were hidden in two bags of popcorn. If you were lucky enough to find an egg, you won a chocolate bunny! Oh, what a magical thing! I wanted to win a bunny so bad! One egg was in a student’s bag and one in a teacher’s bag of popcorn. Well, it so happened that my mother taught 2nd grade at the school. And she won. She won the bunny! And she gave it to another student! What??? I was crushed. Well, maybe not crushed but maybe a little dumbfounded. But then she reminded me that chocolate bunny was probably the only Easter that student would have and I had many chocolate bunnies to look forward to and I acted like I understood but in the 5th grade it did kinda sting a little. 

First side: I had a rabbit for a weekend (about the same time period as the popcorn story above). The older lady who took care of me while my mother worked gave it to me. I remember carrying it and its cage around. My mother hated it. She said it left “jellybeans” everywhere. She made me sell it. It made me sad. Now, as an adult I completely understand. We have a cat. She is high maintenance. She and perhaps a feline friend down the road is enough. If anyone gives any of my kids an animal without consulting me- you’re toast. I get it mom, I do. 

Second side: That older lady who took care of me while my parents worked is Oley. You’ll hear more about her. So many wonderful memories of her and her chickens. When I spent the night with her with usually had three dogs and a few chickens in bed with us and I thought it was both wonderful and perfectly normal. Her chickens would also drink sweet tea out of your glass if you would hold it down for them to reach.

Dessert: Oley was truly the best cook ever. She made this Hungarian Goulash I can still smell. And her fried chicken was fresh- VERY fresh (see above). Have a great day and thank you for “lunching” with me.

Until next time- order’s up!





Blue Plate Blog Episode 7- Silver Linings and Tomatoes


Blue Plate Blog Episode 5- Cinco de Mayo