Blue Plate Blog Episode 7- Silver Linings and Tomatoes

Entrée: Loss versus Gain. It remains a confusing and scary time. However, today I want to talk about a silver lining amidst this odd quarantine adventure. While my husband and I have both continued to work through the pandemic, we are blessed to have all the kids home as well. We are now able to eat dinner together many nights and now most evenings, I get in an after-dinner walk. These walks have become a treasure. Most evenings, the girls (my daughters) join me. We talk about life,  tik tok videos, various celebrity gossip, and where we want to shop once all this is over. We explore wildflowers and take pictures of the sunset and cornfield by our home. It is a sweet time. When my husband is able to join me, we talk about work and things we want to do for the kids. We soak in the time of us just being together. It is special thing for us as many of our first dates were centered around going on walks. Have you been on an after-dinner walk lately? It is good for the soul.

First side: Today is the National Day of Prayer. For me, that is everyday as I am very spiritual and have an active prayer life. If I can ever pray for you, please reach out. It is an honor to pray for you. I have friends (and try to be a friend) to a diverse group of people from all walks of life and spiritual backgrounds (including those who do not have a spiritual connection). Please understand my faith will never keep me from loving someone who does not share my same faith. 

Second side: Music most definitely speaks to my soul. When I am in a “chill” mood- the music of singer-songwriters from the seventies truly soothe me. James Taylor, Carly Simon, Carole King are a trifecta of therapists for me most days. Do you have some? I look forward to tapping in to this style of writing even more in the coming days- I have had a lot of ideas and hooks hit me that will be “totally seventies” and speak to my very Brady heart 😊

Dessert: I am going to make a tomato pie one day soon. I’ve never done this and I am both a little apprehensive and excited- stay tuned for updates. Have you had a tomato pie? How about tomato gravy? We are coming upon tomato season- maybe I should try growing some again. One summer, the girls and I grew tomatoes and peppers and made our own salsa. That was really fun and we learned a little cilantro goes a LONG way.

Until next time- order’s up!


Photos from last night’s walk

Photos from last night’s walk


Blue Plate Blog Episode 8- Ring the Bell- Dinner and Vacay is ON!


Blue Plate Blog Episode 6- Chicken Soup