Atypical & Awesome “Banner Year”

2024 was a great year for me, personally. I completed my MSW in July and passed my licensing exam in August to bring me to Carmen M Bennett, MS, LMSW professionally. In September, I immediately began supervision towards my LICSW which will allow me to practice independently should I choose to do so.

I continued to have a variety of creative outlets in 2024 with 35 comedy shows, a few more cuts with indie artists, and auditioning for and joining the cast for my first musical.

I had some personal and professional victories this year and we’ve enjoyed trips to NYC, various beach trips, and lots of weekend getaways. Four of our five kids are now out of the nest and our one remaining “birdie” is a sophomore in high school and now driving. I would say most definitely, 2024 has been a banner year! Thank you for being a part of it- see you in 2025!


Atypical & Awesome, “Movement and Improvement”


Atypical & Awesome, “Don’t Let Them Fool You”