Atypical & Awesome “Consultations and Vlog”

Just a reminder, I offer consultations on music industry, songwriting, publishing etc for a fee. I will be glad to send you info. In the near future, I will offer online mental health consultations but not at this time. However, I will soon introduce my vlog series which will address mental health topics and will delve into deep waters. My hope is that my years of experience in the social service field and the past decade as a mental health therapist specializing in adolescents and families will provide some insight for you. Not to mention, I am a mom to two of my own and three bonus kids. Furthermore, I have been a songwriter and publisher for fifteen years. Where the mental health and music roads meet is where things get VERY interesting. I will provide tips for fostering creativity, utilizing creative outlets in stress management, yes. But I will even go into how to mange when those closest to you don’t “get it” or are non-supportive in your artistic pursuits, Yep, I will go there. Stay tuned!


Atypical & Awesome “Candles, Good Chocolate, and the Sound of Rain”


Atypical & Awesome “The Big P”