Atypical & Awesome “Tying Up Loose Ends”

I just turned in my final project for one of my classes! I have one more final tonight and then I’m done with this term! PTL! It’s been a hard one with so much “life” going on.

Phillip and I performed at Rumors and the Social this week. We are headed to NOLA tomorrow and plan to do a show or two while we are there. Looking forward to beignets and belly laughs lol

Autumn is headed to Toronto today, Phillip and I headed to NOLA tomorrow, and then Philip heads to Phienix nect week. It’s a busy time!

We did get out to see Midlife Crisis at Rumors Saturday night. They were fabulous and we had a great time. It’s easy to support a band when they are rock stars on the stage and great people off the stage. I am proud to be a fan and friend.

We are in that hustle and bustle part of the season. Take care of yourself and don’t be afraid to just “be” from time to time. As always, thank you for being a part of this crazy ride- 2023 has been wild!


Atypical & Awesome “Yuling and NOLA”


Atypical & Awesome “ A Whole Lotta Everything “