Atypical & Awesome “Lost and Found”

We have just returned to Autumn’s apartment after having an al fresco brunch at a sweet little cafe in Brooklyn. The club sandwiches were exceptional and the overall experience was delightful. In the outside seating area was a board pinned “Lost and Found”. Customers and passers by would tack up poignant messages of things they had lost and found. Lost- loneliness, found-belonging; Lost- addiction, found- sobriety. It is fitting because today is one of lost and found for me personally. I am about 15 minutes from hugging Autumn good bye. I will “lose” my little girl but I have already “found” an amazingly independent young woman. Autumn will “lose” limitations and will “find” a whole new world of possibilities. I’m gonna miss her but I love what “we” have found.


Atypical & Awesome “Back to the Grind and Peace”


Atypical & Awesome “Central Park and Chinatown”