Atypical & Awesome “Central Park and Chinatown”
We’ve had another fun day exploring. While it was cold, it was sunny and clear, so we took the train to Central Park. We only saw a portion of the park but it was a moving experience. I paid my respects in Strawberry Fields and the Dakota Building. We ate hot dogs from a street vendor and the rode the train to China Town. We drank hot tea and ate dinner in a little hole in the wall restaurant with ducks hanging in the window. I haggled with a street vendor over a cheap souvenir. We then bought Japanese cheesecake, a slice of vanilla swirl cake, snd Boba tea from an Asian bakery. We rode the train back to Brooklyn and did our first “stooping” by finding an awesome chair for Autumn by the road and taking it to her apartment. It was perfect for her. It’s been another great day. We’ll meet Autumn for brunch before heading back tomorrow. It has been a wonderful weekend full of firsts for us but we know we’ll be back soon and Autumn is absolutely gonna love it here.