Atypical & Awesome, “Happy Birthday to My Gift”

I was determined to be sexy and single, a modern-day Blanche Deveraeu, if you will. I had just made it out of a bad break-up which acted as my rebound relationship after my divorce. It was a mess. Anyway, I swore off relationships and most definitely, marriage. I joined and plenty of fish. I was gonna have fun. Fast forward to having a date with one of those guys from, building an actual healthy relationship, and getting married two years later. We are now approaching our 10th anniversary as a couple. Thank you God for knowing exactly what I needed when I was completely clueless.

Today is Philip’s birthday and what a gift he is to me- to us. Boy, he keeps me grounded. He is my emotional support person. He does the dishes. He makes sure the i’s get dotted and the t’s get crossed. Plus, he’s nice- like really nice- to everyone. He’s truly is my hero. Happy Birthday, darling- we are so blessed you are ours!


Atypical & Awesome “Melancholy Jolly Holidays”


Atypical & Awesome “The Morning After”