Atypical & Awesome “The Morning After”
It’s one of my favorite days of the year- the day after Christmas. I love the lingering of Christmas- the tree and lights will stay up until this weekend, yesterday’s leftovers will be repurposed today, and best of all- there’s no where we “have” to be.
Tomorrow reality kicks in aa we return to our jobs. But today, or at least this moring, I will savor for a bit. Phillip and I just dropped off my car to have a tire repaired. Now, I am resting on the couch with a peppermont mocha, Christmas candle lit, and an “extra” quiche from yesterday warming up in the oven.
The days leading yo to Christmas are stressful and intense for me so I treasure this time. I am not one of those to take down the tree on Christmas night. I might even listen to Christmas music or watch a Christmas movie because it is “still Christmas” for me. “Still Christmas” let that sink in. “Still” the way Christmas should be-still, holy, reflective.
Also, I think Chicken McNuggets and Clearance sale shopping may be involved. Happy Day-After, everyone ;) Come see us Friday night at Happy Times in Ozark for Comedy Night! I think the quiche is ready….