Atypical & Awesome “Stoked”

Okay, we are totally STOKED about our trip to New York and have something super COOL planned so make sure you follow me on social media to see the whole thing(s) unfold!! We leave tomorrow- woohoo!

But first, it’s the Opp Rattlesnake Rodeo today! The Alice Nelson Band is playing right before Diamond Rio so it will be a great afternoon! Alice will play a couple of our cowrites including “Girlfriend” and maybe a surprise ;)!

We are getting so excited about the comedy and poetry events coming up so keep your eyes on the “events” tab here on the website! Lots going on- yall have a great Sunday and come on out to the Opp Rattlesnake Rodeo!


Atypical & Awesome “Start Spreading the News”


Atypical & Awesome “Quick Pop-in Before Bed”