Atypical & Awesome “Start Spreading the News”

We’re leaving today and we are so excited! We will be heading to Birmingham to board the train shortly after lunch! Looking forward to a great week in the big citt!

In equally exciting news, Alex is moving out while we are gone as they have their first professional job starting Monday! They have secured a beautiful apartment in Montgomery and are sooo excited to be venturing out on their own. I will miss them but I’m a proud mama!

The Alice Nelson Band did a great job at the Rattlesnake Rodeo yesterday but unfortunately, the set was cut short due to bad weather. To add insult to injury, it was right before she announced her new single (wink, wink). If that wasn’t bad timing- lol BUT- safety first- always. So no new single performed and no Diamond Rio. Boooo, but I completely understand. South Alabama weather is highly unpredictable.

Well, I hope you all have a wonderful week. My next blog will likely be from the train!


Atypical & Awesome “Train Adventures Day 1”


Atypical & Awesome “Stoked”