Atypical & Awesome- “Productivity”

In true Capricorn fashion, I am a big fan of productivity. Not “busi-ness” per se but productivity. There is a big difference. This week, I have co-written my first Christmas song of the season, taken my guitar lesson, practiced guitar, and have ridden 40 miles on a recumbent bike at the gym. Each of this tasks tie directly into specific personal goals I have for myself. I have chosen to not do other tasks that do not contribute to these goals. And yes, I do things for fun and to rest and for self-care. In my world, though goal achievement is tied to my self-care. I feel better about myself when I successfully complete goals. I am not a fan of leaving things hanging, that causes me stress and stress is not conducive to productivity- at least not in my world. Good luck to you on setting and achieving any goals you might set for yourself- try to work smarter, not harder. Before you start a task, ask yourself- is this contributing to my long-term goals for myself? Is there something I can do today to get me closer to my goal? Mountains are moved one pebble at a time. Keep up the good, productive work!


Atypical & Awesome “Oh, Joy!”


Atypical & Awesome “Who’s Zooming Who?”