Atypical & Awesome: Extra-Scoop Sunday: “Back to School”
There is something palpable about back to school time. The air is different. The excitement of possibilities. Brand new notebooks, fresh pens, maybe a new lunchbox, earlier bed times and first day of school outfits picked out. Growing up, going back to school was a big deal and my friends and I would spend hours on the phone anticipating homeroom assignments and if the teacher we’d heard lore about really was that mean or that nice or if six graders still had class parties or would we have lockers in the 7 th grade. So much to discuss and ponder. No one wanted to admit but I think most of us looked forward to going back to school.
I never rode the bus to school but the school busses chugging down the road always tug at my heart a little. Childhood is such a fleeting thing and those school years are precious. Only my youngest bonus daughter (out of our combined five kids) will be in regular school this fall. The bonus son will be starting college. My two are both out of college now. Sarah my eldest bonus daughter is getting her little one ready for pre-K.
Life moves on. Buy the good crayons. Pack the Little Debbie snack cakes. Sign up for the class parties. That bus will keep chugging by your house one day and your heart will sting a little. Ask me how I know.