Blue Plate Blog Episode 1

Welcome to my Blue Plate Blog where I will be blogging on my lunch break- an entree, 2 sides, and maybe dessert.

Today’s entree: I’m on my way to the New York Post! Well, not exactly but it kinda feels that way. I have a new literary feather to put in my cap- beta reader! I have recently been a pre-reader of sorts for a couple of my author friends. I have helped an author title a book; I have provided feedback and a review including a voice over endorsement for another author’s book; and just this week read another author/friend’s book prior to print and gave some feedback he just might use! I’ve enjoyed this new venture and look forward to more beta reading in my future.

First side: I had a great cowrite last night with a new cowriter. New cowrites can be awkward but he was talented and seemed to figure me out pretty quick which helped! Hoping to post that song pretty soon!

Second side- working on another song with another new cowriter- every write teaches me something and this one is no different- I need to remember we all hear things differently inside our heads and clear communication is critical in the cowriting environment

Dessert: I got served. Big time. I got my feelings hurt last week and it continued into this week. Until God showed me real quick just how clueless I was about the situation. It really and truly had NOTHING to due about me. At all. I really need to get over myself.

Until tomorrow- order’s up!


Blue Plate Blog Episode 2


Strange days, indeed