Blue Plate Blog Episode 2

Entree: The times they are a-changin’. Well, kinda. April is almost over. Just hang on- May has got to be better. We’re starting to see a tee tiny little light at the end of this crazy quarantine tunnel. At 5 pm today, Alabama starts releasing some of the restrictions placed last month and hopefully, soon all restrictions will be lifted so we can return to our normal chaos. I will not get political on here but this I know -everyone has been affected by this and hopefully, we can take something positive with us as we move forward. What am I taking with me? I have really learned to appreciate my after dinner walks and not having to “be” somewhere most nights of the week. So, I do think my new normal will include more at- home time in the evenings. Besides, I need to work off the quaran-ten I’ve gained- lol!

First side- Intuition can be a blessing and curse- there is a lot I know that I shouldn’t know and wish I didn’t know- you know?

Second side: I don’t understand people being so mean all the time to each other. Chill people- life is short. Go paint. Or drink coffee. Or take a nap.

Dessert- Leslie Jordan has provided pure joy to my days recently- boy, what a hoot. Look him up on instagram- you’ll smile.


Blue Plate Blog Episode 3


Blue Plate Blog Episode 1