Blue Plate Blog Episode 26 “Dreams, Progress, and Corn Salsa”

Entree: I have a recurring dream that takes place in New Orleans. I am usually scared or at the very least on edge because of the area of town I am in during the dream. At some point, I am either separated from my children or have lost them in some way. In my dream, my kids are young. I am usually walking down a very run-down Bourbon Street with very few shops open. The few shops that are open are creepy and the workers are usually not present or otherwise lurking in the shadows behind curtains with candles and incense burning. It is so weird and unnerving. The weirdest part is I love New Orleans, and candles, and incense, and mystery. I’m not really sure why it is the locale of my latest stress dreams. I had the dream again last night and it freaked me out. Do you ever have recurring dreams?

First side: I have been working really hard lately to improve my performance skills and melody writing. I have always been a word-girl so this is a little like writing with my non-dominant hand but it has been good for me.

Second side: We ate a lot of fresh summer produce this weekend after my recent stops at Farmer’s Markets and produce stands. Gonna make a roasted corn salsa tonight to go with our Taco Tuesday trimmings- yum.

Dessert: I see you. Those of you who support me and have supported me for years- thank you so much. You “long-timers” are near and dear to me.

Hat’s off to Tuesday- til next time- order’s up!


Blue Plate Blog Episode 27- “Success, Oddballs, and the Great Gecko”


Blue Plate Blog Episode 25- Memorial Day Special- Brand New Song, “Pillows”