Atypical & Awesome “Monday, Monday”

Yesterday was relatively good despite still having a lot of physical pain. Alice came over and we wrote a hook I’ve been wanting to write. We ended up with a pretty strong song so we look forward to sharing it soon. Alice had a gig after our write so Phillip and i stopped im in to watch a bit of her show. She is continuing to grow and develop as an artist and I’m super proud of her.

After dinner, Alex and I made homemade salsa using some surplus produce we had. I always feel domestic when I make this and it serves as good bonding time between me and whichever kid volunteers for salsa duty- lol.

Physically, I’m still on the struggle bus. It’s been well over a week and despite completing my meds, “it” is still hanging around. I also received sad news that a friend had passed away after an extended illness. My heart hurts.

My heart is also leaping, though. My city girl is traveling to Madison Square Gardens tonight for THE concert. If you have a daughter, niece, or female friend in her early twenties, I know you know. Super excited for her. Madison Square Gardens- wow. A long, long way from small-town Alabama. ❤️


Atypical & Awesome “Rocky Road”


Atypical & Awesome “Friday Vibin’”