Atypical & Awesome “Rocky Road”

Today was one of those days. Stress. Things falling apart. What I call things going off the rails. But some things went right. I made perfect scores on all my first week in grad school assignments. Physically, I’m starting to feel better after a very rough two weeks. I got a snazzy new lipstick and Alex picked up a few things from the store for me so I wouldn’t have to go. We had chicken parmesan for dinner and Saffy is snuggling in my lap. I’m about to enjoy a bowl of ice cream and then will retreat to the back to work on homework. So yes, today was rocky but there is still much to be grateful for and I am. The best way to feel better is to remember “what went right” even on those not so great days.


Atypical & Awesome “Blessings in Strange Little Packages”


Atypical & Awesome “Monday, Monday”