Atypical & Awesome “Fight or Flight”

Well, I thought today’s post would be one of nostalgia. So far, it is chaos. Despite leaving home at 4:30 am, we damn near missed our 7:00 flight out of Panama City. I know without a doubt the 10 minutes before we boarded the plane will show up on my pacemaker reading. It was truly a scene from “Home Alone”, Autumn, Phillip, and I running through the airport, sweating bullets,with only one lost backpack as the morning’s casualty. Nerves shot. But by the grace of God and a kind security guy, we were allowed on the plane. We are split up and sitting between strangers, but we are on the plane. In less than an hour, we will be in Nashville. I just looked across the aisle, the man next to Autumn is getting lit. Cheers. After what we just went through, I understand. Let’s just say the moments leading up to us boarding the plane were not my finest. But we are in the air and I think I am both still married and allowed back to the airport. All is well. See you in Nashville- at least we have a layover so things will hopefully be smoother. Maybe. 


Atypical & Awesome “No Sleep Til Brooklyn”


Atypical & Awesome “Small Town Girl Release Day”