Atypical & Awesome “18 and Life”
Michael is eighteen today- so hard to believe. I met Michael on his 10th birthday so I have been a part of his life now for eighteeen years. Where does the time go? He just graduated high school a couple of weeks ago ( remember the pontoon? Lol). Michael is extremely artistic and is looking at attending a local college to get his feet wet in the academic setting. I look forward to watching him grow!
Speaking of growing, I’ve been accepted into graduate school to pursue my second Master’s degree! I will be getting a MSW (Master’s in Social Work). I already have a Master’s in Counseling and Human Development and this will help me get licensed so that I can do private contract work if I choose to do so. I’m not going anywhere- I love my job and feel being a therapist for teenagers is definitely in my wheelhouse as it has been for the past ten years. I’m super excited, though. It’s been 19 years since I’ve been in school! Am I too old to join a sorority?? Lol
So, Michael and I are both on the brink of new adventures! Seems like we will continue to have two college kids in the house- go Weevils! go Trojans! Lol Here we “go” again!