Blue Plate Blog- “30 Days of Peace Day 15- Set and Obtain Goals”

I am an extremely goal oriented person. I use goals in my personal and professional life daily. When life is overwhelming, it can be hard to know where to start to obtain control and the subsequent peace which comes from feeling in control. Obtaining a big goal (what I refer to as an ultimate goal) can be daunting but I see it as putting together a puzzle. Breaking a large goal into more obtainable steps is similar to finding the edge pieces and building a puzzle’s frame. For today’s peace challenge, I’d like you to start much smaller. What is a weekly goal you’d like to achieve this week? What can you do today to help you meet this weekly goal? I am personally working on a goal for myself this week I am excited about which I will share with you in another blog. As you make your small goals, your sense of peace will increase thus making it easier to meet larger goals and will help you “chip away” at your ultimate goals. How do you move a mountain? One pebble at a time. Have a peaceful day dear ones.


Blue Plate Blog- “30 Days Of Peace Day 16 That’s all, folk.”


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