Blue Plate Blog- “30 Days Of Peace Day 16 That’s all, folk.”
“I wanna be a folk singer, like Joan Baez”- Jenny from “Forrest Gump.” For the past fourteen years or so, I have been writing commercial music. To the best of my ability I have been working towards writing commercially viable, radio-friendly, “cuttable” songs. But a change is gonna come. Actually, it’s already here. For the past few months, I have been writing songs for me. Just for pure joy. The other night I wrote a song on guitar for the first time. Solo. That may sound weird considering how many hundreds of songs I have written but 100 percent of my guitar based writes have been cowrites. This triggered something in me. I love folk music. I am in a Dylan-esque mood most of the time, anyway. So, I’m gonna focus on folk a while. For me. For you. For anyone who might enjoy it. This feels right for me right now and I an excited to see where the flow goes. Today’s peace challenge- don’t be afraid to take a risk and do something just for the pure joy. Have a peaceful day, dear ones.