30 Days of Peace- Day 5

Listen to your body. As you begin developing more true self-awareness and mindfulness the mind body connection and is relation to peace will become more obvious. As you work to make your immediate world quieter, it will be easier to “tune in” to what your body is saying to you. I have lived with chronic illness for close to twenty years. I have learned each nuance of my body and what each variation or craving means. Today, I am tired and my allergies are acting up. I’ve just arrived home from a cardiologist appointment which can be draining. I am so glad I had the foresight to take the day off from work. Today’s appointment required extra testing (and I still have to return next week for more bloodwork) and took a lot out of me. So, I have taken meds, put on more comfortable clothes, poured a fresh cup of coffee, and am laying in bed. This afternoon I will probably be back to my normal or close to it. I know what my body needs as a result of working hard to listen to it. If you are tired- rest. If you are hungry- eat. Physical needs are one of the foundations in our Hierarchy of Needs. We cannot move up on the pyramid until those needs are met. Start today- what is your body telling you? Have a peaceful day, dear ones.


30 Days of Peace, Day 6


30 Days of Peace-Day 4