30 Days of Peace, Day 6

Fire. Warmth. Soothing heat. A wonderful way to help increase your immediate sense of peace is through warmth. Build a fire, concentrate on the heat and light. Too hot for a fire? Take a warm bath full of wonderful things like luxurious bubble bath or essential oils. My husband bought me a heated blanket and I love it. Wear socks to bed. I guarantee you will sleep better. Drink a warm beverage- coffee, tea, cocoa. Eat soup. Warmth soothes us. I really think it goes back to our formation time in our mother’s womb, Warmth makes us feel secure. We swaddle newborn babies for this very reason. We never outgrow that need for warmth. Today, try something to “warm you” for your peace challenge. I bet it will help. Have a peaceful day, dear ones.


30 Days of Peace- Day 7


30 Days of Peace- Day 5