30 Days of Peace- Day 7

It’s Sunday morning and there is a deliciously light rain falling as I drink my coffee in bed. This is peace. The role of water in peace is clear to me. I truly find my sanctuary in or near water- listening to the rain, sitting on the beach and listening to the waves, taking a warm bath or shower, washing my hands in cool water, looking out over a lake, kayaking- there are endless ways I incorporate water into my daily sense of peace. I invite you to do the same. There are decorative fountains, aquariums, or audio recordings of waves or rains. Paintings of water can also bring a sense of peace. Water is crucial to life and equally important to peace. In fact, our body’s are over 70% water so it is no surprise how connected to water we feel. Hydrate yourself physically and spiritually today, dear ones. Have a peaceful Sunday!


Blue Plate Blog Episode 32 “Combo Plate- Birthday cards, Music, and Peace”


30 Days of Peace, Day 6