Blue Plate Blog Episode 32 “Combo Plate- Birthday cards, Music, and Peace”

Entree: We had a great time celebrating my father’s 79th birthday, yesterday. He has done so much for so many it was nice to give him a little bit of the spotlight. His career was one of a life calling- to be a coach and then principal and Superintendent of a small school system in south Alabama. My sister orchestrated a “card haul” in which former students and employees were invited to send cards and notes to my father. He received 114! I am sure he will enjoy going through them and reading them in the days to come.

First side: I have been writing so much. Pretty much a song a day. I will share a few on here from time to time.

Second side: South Alabama Songwriters meet tonight at 6:30 pm. Message me for meeting location or go like the SAS Facebook page for more info.

Dessert: 30 Days of Peace- Day 8- Go outside. It has been proven the quickest way to raise one’s mood is to simply get outdoors. Sit on the porch, walk around the yard, do something active or just “be”. It truly does not matter. Try it- you might be surprised at how quickly you feel peace.

Have a great, peaceful day- until next time, order’s up!


Blue Plate Blog- 30 Days of Peace Day 9


30 Days of Peace- Day 7