Atypical & Awesome “Friendsgiving”
Tonight- I am grateful for friends. I had sweet interactions today with one friend who is in his 60’s and has been a cowriter of mine for nearly ten years. I had another equally sweet interaction with a friend who is 18 and has been a cowriter of mine for a year. I had several chats in person and via text with other friends today. The friend that makes me laugh, the friend that makes me think, the friends that keep me reaching for the stars. My daughter, one of my dearest friends sharing with me about her new job. My mother, a friend who always, and I mean always has my back. And of course, my husband -my best friend. He made sacrifices today to ensure we can do something really important to me. I am so abundantly blessed with the friends in my life. I am a super introverted person sometimes so it is really sweet to be reminded of my true, loving friends. I’m a blessed girl. And by the way, you are one of my dear friends just through your support, Thank you!