Blue Plate Blog- 30 Days of Peace Day 20- Embrace Transition
Today is the summer solstice- the official first day of summer. Summers in the south are hot and memories of my childhood summers usually involve swimming and other ways of keeping cool. We don’t get many definitive seasons in South Alabama- it’s pretty much hot and hotter. Oh, and football season (which is also hot but we cook boiled peanuts and chili). But from a peace standpoint, if we look at seasonal transitions as ways to also spiritually transition what would that mean? Well, we can look at transition days such as today- the first day of summer as good “marked” days to set forth transition and change. Where am I in my yearly goals (which were made six months ago)- what can I change to get me closer to meeting those goals? Is there anything I can purge today? I really need to organize my jewelry and I think I can put away my sweaters and cold- weather clothes for good now. Today would be a good day to tackle these tasks. Embrace times of transition. The only constant in life is change- go with the flow. Have a peaceful day, dear ones.