Atypical & Awesome “Cowrites and Cohorts”

The last day of June brought the last songs of June with multiple cowrites going on simultaneously this week. Travis Myles (KY) and I wrote for the first time and wrote a great patriotic-ish ;) song in time for the fourth. I’ll try to post a worktape in the next day or two. I also have active cowrites with Dennis Powell (AL) and Jessica Lavallee (ON). These are all in the past couple of days. I also started a solo write which I posted a snippet of on Tik Tok called, “Aint Over Yet” so go follow me on Tik Tok if you have not. I’ve had recent writes with Verne Wickham (AZ), Alice Nelson (AL), Robert Williams (OH), Marshall Page (VA), and the newlyweds Wendy Dumond and Don Selcheski, (GA) whew! That is six states and 2 countries just off the top of my head- having a blast! Can’t wait to get these songs out to the world-super fun times!!


Atypical & Awesome “Oh, Say Can You Sing”


Atypical & Awesome “Choices and Movement”