Atypical & Awesome , “PB&J, Fish n Chips, and Hotel Cinnamon Rolls”

We had a DAY yesterday! Phillip and I made the trip to Atlanta for the 3rd Annual PB&J Poetry Event. I finally got to meet some super special online friends in person including festival organizer Silvia Medrano-Edelstein and Jon Phipps who have been instrumental in me pursuing poetry these past few years. Bibliotech Books- the venue for the event, was standing room only for much of the event. Hands in Motion provided sign language interpreters for the performances which was such a cool addition. Be sure to check out the link posted! The full day was videoed by Heck House and will be available soon!

Phillip hung in there like a trooper. After five hours, we were starving (after travelling for four hours and then. being at event for five hours we had a day!) . There was a lovely spread at the event but due to my temporary fake tooth situation, snacking is something I can’t do easily right now (hey, I’ve lost 10 pounds!) So, we had to head back to our hotel where we got ready to go eat somewhere nearby. We found a bar and grille which apparently was showing a pay per view fight because we got there just in time to not have to pay the cover charge. We were just hungry and it was late (almost 8 pm). We’re middle-aged 8 pm dinners are for young folks lol. But we had some REALLY good fish n chips.

So, Phillip went down to the hotel breakfast this morning and brought me back a warm cinnamon roll. He’s so sweet. Right now, we are both writing. I’m blogging and he’s working on a comedy set. I mean, is that not the sweetest- what a wonderful thing to share. We tried to find an open-mic comedy place last night but every place was showing the fight-lol I guess, people love their fights. We’ll stick to music, poetry, and comedy- see you all soon!


Atypical & Awesome “Happy Times & Benji’s”


Atypical & Awesome “My Place”