Atypical & Awesome “Chantilly Cake and a Pretty Face”

So, yesterday was Phillip and mine’s 7th Wedding Anniversary. We had Chinese take-out, Chantilly Cake, and he brought me a dozen roses. It was very sweet. We have had a lifetime of living in seven years!

In addition, I appeared on Pan Orea’s online show- “Girl Talk- OMG” where four lovely ladies (including myself) discussed the movie, “Pretty Woman”. A few performers shared their versions of songs from the movie and we chatted about what has aged well and what hasn’t as far as the movie’s themes.

Well, tomorrow is the big day for the big all female comedy show! “Funny Girls Comedy” will kick off at 8 pm at Benjis in Daleville- can’t wait! $8 cover- please come out to support local comedy and have some authentic and amazing Puerto Rican food!


Atypical & Awesome “Funny Girls and Moms”


Atypical & Awesome “Write Night and Writing Tonight”